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What to expect as a YAV in New Orleans 
  • The New Orleans Site hosts 8 YAVs each year. 


  • All 8 of the YAVs live in an intentional community in one house together. This house is a four bedroom house with two kitchens- so if you do the math- all YAVs in NOLA have a roommate for the year.


  • There is off street parking in the back and enough room for 8 cars. 


  • YAVs receive a $300.00 a month stipend. The breakdown of the stipend is:​

    • $150.00 living stipend, money to spend on anything you need

    • $150.00 transportation stipend, we encourage YAVs to bring cars with them if possible so this portion of the stipend is to cover insurance, maintenance, and gas.


  • Separate from your monthly stipends YAVs in New Orleans will share a community food budget.  The YAVs receive $85.00 per person per month on one debit card to purchase food.

    • This money is not personal money, but is shared by the community.


  • The New Orleans YAVs work at their site placements 35-40 hrs a week.


  • YAVs meet for community meetings on Tuesday night, during this time the community will discuss books being read, pray together, discuss community things, ect…


  • YAVs meet on Thursday Night to share a community meal and do to spiritual practices.  Each month the community will choose a different spiritual practice to do together.  Example of this are Meditation, Taize, Praying in Color, Gratitude.


  • Every Third Saturday of each month is community day.  On community day the YAVs do some sort of activity together that is a service, cultural, or an educational experience.  On community day YAVs will eat all three meals together. 


  • Each YAV in New Orleans has a host family, YAVs do not live with their host family, but rather this is a family that will welcome and introduce him/her to the city of New Orleans.  They will also be companions to the YAV on his/her journey through the year. 


  • Each YAV will meet monthly with their Site Coordinator, Dan Lang, for individual supervision.  These meetings will focus on vocational discernment.

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